
This is the Blender 4.0 compatibility release.

In addition to 4.0 support, there are a few smaller additions and usability improvements, almost all of them based on user feedback, so thank you to everybody who has made suggestions.

Bigger feature additions are coming in the next 1.3 release, so stay tuned for that.

See a list of all changes in the changelog


Blender 3.6 - a new LTS release is out, and it finally allows for the complete removal of the legacy bgl module.

Beyond the bgl removal, there are a number of improvements, such as new NURBS support for Blendulate, a quick chamfer toggle and support for 180 degree blends

Also the Menu now exposes the resulution_u property for NURBS and BEZIER curves, and for NURBS splines the order_u property as well.

Check out the changelog for a list of all changes.


Born of out the Blendulate tool, originally made for HyperCursorunreleased, but not for much longer, an independent CURVEmachine became an inevitability, as editing curves quickly exposed shortcomings in Blender's native tools, thereby creating opportunites for me.


Beyond Blendulate, this initial CURVEmachine release, also features Point Merging, Point Sliding, Gap Shuffling and various other convenience features, that are handy when working with POLY curves, and should significantly simplify your life.

My utmost gratitude goes out to all my patreon supporters and customers of previous addons, for their continued support and motivation. Thank you for your patience too.

Enjoy CURVEmachine! Get it on Blender Market or Gumroad!